How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Boost Your Self-Confidence

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that wrap around the forward-facing tooth surfaces, covering several aesthetic problems simultaneously. They can correct discolored, chipped, gapped, and misshapen teeth. They are long-lasting and stain-resistant with a beautiful shine similar to healthy tooth enamel.

Dental Implants

Implants have dual restorative and cosmetic purposes. While implants significantly improve oral health by closing gaps between teeth and preserving jawbone strength, they also provide aesthetically pleasing tooth replacements to complete your smile.


Invisalign® corrects mild to moderate tooth alignment and bite issues. Invisalign can improve your appearance and oral health by being discreet, comfortable, and faster than braces.

Cosmetic Bonding

Dentists use tooth-colored resin to shape, repair, and contour natural teeth. It can also correct discolored teeth. Bonding is both an art and a science. It strengthens teeth and dramatically improves their appearance.

Dental Crowns

Like implants, dental crowns have aesthetic and functional benefits. Broken, discolored, and decayed teeth can receive crowns to improve their appearance. Crowns also protect the tooth's natural root system.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your smile. To accommodate your needs, you can choose in-office or take-home whitening.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Can front teeth be bonded?

Dentists frequently use cosmetic bonding on front teeth. Bonding the front teeth can improve your smile by rebuilding the most visible teeth.

How long do veneers last on your teeth?

Porcelain veneers tend to last about seven to 15 years, though they can last even longer with excellent care. Avoid eating hard foods like nuts and candy to keep your veneers looking their best. Do not chew non-food objects like ice or fingernails. If you take precautions, your veneers will provide long-lasting smile improvement.

Contact The Ricco Dental Group

To discover more about cosmetic dentistry, please contact us at our Plainview or Massapequa, NY, offices today. We would happily share our services and explain how they can help you feel confident in your appearance.

How Much Does Cosmetic Dentistry Cost in Nassau County, NY?

Cosmetic dentistry includes procedures that can improve a patient's appearance and self-confidence. These procedures include teeth whitening, veneers, bonding, dental implants, Invisalign, and crowns. Each procedure has a local price range, and comparing the cost of cosmetic dentistry can be challenging.

We have estimated the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Nassau County, NY, for the following common procedures:

Why Invest in Cosmetic Dentistry?

Many people with problem teeth know the pain of hiding their smile whenever a camera flashes. People reluctant to smile may draw unwanted attention or give others the wrong impression.

Cosmetic dentistry helps people smile when they look at themselves in the mirror. It helps people show their authentic selves and improves their confidence.

Cosmetic dentistry also has important health benefits. For example, Invisalign straightens teeth, making them easier to clean. Crooked teeth may be more vulnerable to cavities and gum disease. Crowns, bridges, and implants restore damaged or missing teeth, improving chewing ability and preventing teeth from shifting.

Typical Cosmetic Procedures

Teeth Whitening

Teeth naturally turn yellow as we age. People who enjoy darkly pigmented foods and beverages like red wine, cola, and coffee may also experience staining.

Teeth whitening uses a strong peroxide solution to break up and dissolve stains from the inside. You can choose from two methods: in-office and at-home whitening. In-office whitening has quick and stunning results, reversing years of stains in one easy visit. At-home professional whitening has equally brilliant results but happens more gradually.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can be a quick way to address different aesthetic issues simultaneously. Porcelain is a beautiful, non-staining material that holds the luminosity of healthy tooth enamel, meaning that veneers look natural. These veneers can cover discolored, chipped, cracked, slightly misshapen, or gapped teeth for a seamless look.

Cosmetic Bonding

Bonding is a cost-effective method that can cover many of the same issues as porcelain veneers. The dentist uses composite resin to shape and enhance your natural teeth.


This orthodontic system quickly, comfortably, and discreetly transforms smiles. In just 12 to 18 months, you may go from crossed, uneven teeth to a brilliantly healthy look. It is ideal for patients who do not want the extra attention braces can draw.


Dental crowns are caps that fit over prepared natural teeth. They come in metal, porcelain, or ceramic materials. Crowns are excellent solutions for covering broken, cracked, or discolored teeth. They also restore chewing ability and provide a natural look.


A dental bridge, which replaces one or more teeth, connects to crowns or implants on either side of a gap in the patient's smile. Bridges restore appearance as well as chewing ability.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of today's best replacements for natural teeth. They provide both cosmetic and oral health benefits. Since they bond with the jawbone, they keep it healthy and strong. They do not slip or click like dentures and are easy to care for.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Is teeth whitening bad for your teeth?

Professional teeth whitening is safe because dentists know how to use strong chemical solutions without damaging teeth or gums. Dentists can judge whether you are whitening too much or too often and help you avoid serious side effects.

Avoid buying over-the-counter whitening agents online since these products are unregulated and may be strong enough to cause damage. Even if you use the weaker over-the-counter strips or pastes found in the supermarket or pharmacy, overusing them can lead to gum issues.

Does dental insurance cover cosmetic dentistry?

Insurance coverage for cosmetic dentistry varies by individual policy. It is worth checking with your insurer to determine whether certain procedures, such as crowns, implants, and bridges, may be covered in full or in part because of their therapeutic benefits.

Call The Ricco Dental Group

Cosmetic dentistry can change how you look and feel for the better. If you are uncertain about your smile and want to improve your confidence, cosmetic dentistry may be the right choice. Please call our Plainview, NY, office at 516-931-3999 (Plainview) or 516-798-0223 (Massapequa) to schedule a consultation.

3 Reasons to Invest in Cosmetic Dentistry

Many people feel dissatisfied with their smiles but hesitate to ask their dentist about cosmetic dentistry. They may believe that cosmetic dentistry is frivolous or too expensive.

Reason #1: You Have Problems with Missing or Damaged Teeth

If you have missing or damaged teeth, you may have not only cosmetic problems but could also endanger your oral health. Missing teeth cause their neighbors to slip out of position, causing crowding. Crowded teeth may cause gum disease and experience more tooth decay.

Reason #2: Saves Natural Teeth

Many cosmetic procedures can save your natural teeth. Crowns and veneers are two examples. Crowns are caps that cover decayed, damaged, or discolored teeth. If you opt for a crown rather than an extraction, you can keep your natural root system intact and preserve your smile's alignment. Veneers can cover chipped, cracked, or discolored natural teeth.

Reason #3: Boosts Your Confidence in Your Smile

If you have problem teeth, you know how it feels to hide your smile. You may smile with your lips tightly closed or with your hand over your mouth. You may feel like you can't relax in social situations and wonder if everyone is judging your smile.

When you invest in cosmetic dentistry, you will have more to smile about. Your teeth can be brighter, straighter, and more attractive. Your self-confidence will shine through, giving others a positive first impression.

Our Cosmetic Services

Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

How does teeth whitening work?

Teeth whitening uses a safe peroxide gel to penetrate the enamel and break up darkly pigmented stains inside the tooth. Professional teeth whitening is longer-lasting, safer, and more effective than over-the-counter products.

Does insurance cover cosmetic dentistry?

Some dental procedures that could be considered cosmetic also restore your teeth's function, meaning insurance will cover them at least in part. These procedures include dental crowns, bridges, and sometimes implants.

Call The Ricco Dental Group

Cosmetic dentistry can give you a lift in multiple ways. Call 516-931-3999 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members and schedule an appointment to discuss cosmetic dentistry. We can show you how to improve your smile and outlook on life.

How Long Does Cosmetic Bonding Last?

Cosmetic bonding is a simple, versatile procedure that can improve your teeth's appearance. It can cover imperfect teeth at a lower cost than other cosmetic procedures.

The composite resin bonding material dentists use is durable and attractive. Cosmetic bonding typically lasts between three and five years. Dentists can help you create the look you want without damaging your natural teeth.

Cosmetic Issues Bonding Can Address

Advantages of Cosmetic Bonding

Lower Cost

Compared to other procedures that address the same issues, like crowns, minor orthodontic work, and teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding is highly affordable.


Your dentist can create the best possible aesthetic effect using bonding techniques. They can make your smile look better than ever before.


With proper care, cosmetic bonding lasts for several years. Follow our tips below to ensure the longest possible life for your bonding resin.

How Cosmetic Bonding Works

Cosmetic bonding is a painless process that generally takes only one appointment. Bonding works by introducing a tooth-colored composite resin. The resin blends beautifully with your natural tooth surface, creating a seamless cosmetic effect.

Your dentist will first clean the teeth that will receive the bonding resin. They will roughen the teeth with a safe acid solution so the bonding material will adhere to the natural enamel.

When the tooth is ready, the dentist applies the bonding material, often working in layers. The resin used may need a special light to harden.

After the bonding material is in place, the dentist will shape and polish it to make it blend well with the natural tooth. They will adjust your dental bite if necessary so your teeth feel natural. You will be impressed with the results.

Tips for Success With Tooth Bonding

The composite resin used for bonding is durable but needs careful attention to prolong its life. Keep your teeth as clean as possible, brushing and flossing as your dentist recommends, and attend all scheduled dental appointments.

Bonding resin may chip under pressure. Avoid using your teeth to tear open packages or perform any similar tasks, and avoid chewing on any non-food objects like pens or ice. Avoid biting down on hard candy and nuts.

Avoid deeply pigmented foods and beverages as much as possible since bonding material is more prone to discoloration than natural tooth enamel. 

If you have these foods, be sure to brush your teeth as soon as possible. These steps will ensure you receive the longest useful life from your dental bonding.

Call The Ricco Dental Group

If you want to learn more about cosmetic bonding, please call our Plainview, NY, office at 516-931-3999. We would be happy to show you the benefits of cosmetic bonding and how it can improve your smile.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Will Boost Your Confidence

Cosmetic dentistry is all about shaping a smile you love! And when you love your smile, your confidence will also receive a big boost. After all, research has shown that almost a third of Americans are likely to notice teeth first when they meet someone new. So if you’re not happy with your teeth, or keep your mouth closed in photos due to embarrassment, cosmetic dentistry can get you smiling again.

Whether your teeth are chipped or stained, crooked or discolored, you can have the attractive smile you’ve always wanted with cosmetic dentistry - and you’ll find it’s not a difficult process.

Dental Health Comes First

Of course, assisting and maintaining your oral health always comes first, but we believe that cosmetic dentistry is important too, so you can look your best and smile more often! Whether you want veneers, teeth whitening, or a full smile makeover, we can help.

And speaking of your dental health, cosmetic dentistry can help you have a healthier smile, too, replacing missing teeth, improving your bite, your overall oral health, and correcting any chips or cracks that could worsen with time. 

Teeth Whitening

Among the cosmetic services we offer is teeth brightening. Teeth can become stained or discolored over time for a variety of reasons, including taking certain medications, drinking coffee, tea, or red wine, or even eating certain foods repeatedly. Tobacco use is another big factor, as is simply aging, and natural color shifts.  

But it's easy to brighten your smile with professional dental whitening systems that offer safe, long-lasting results for a radiant smile, quickly, easily, and safely.

Teeth Straightening

With a variety of teeth straightening options available for kids, teens, and adults, it's easier than ever to have straight teeth that give you the confidence you need to speak more easily. Having your jaw, bite, and your teeth in correct alignment means clearer speech. Having straight teeth also prevents decay and other dental issues caused by overcrowded, hard to clean teeth.

Today, many teeth straightening treatment options are possible, including Invisalign clear aligners. 

Invisalign® is a comfortable, close-to-unseen technique for teeth straightening. Using a custom-made series of aligner trays made of smooth, discreet plastic your teeth are gradually and gently shifted into place with no metal brackets or wires. Just switch to a new set of aligners about every two weeks, until your treatment is complete. 

Invisalign aligners are removable when you eat and brush and floss your teeth, too!


Another popular cosmetic treatment, porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural appearance of your teeth. Long-lasting and attractive, they disguise cracks, chips, discoloration, and can also correct gaps in teeth. Easily applied with adhesive, they’re stain resistant, too.

Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic bonding can also be used to improve your tooth appearance, filling and restoring  teeth by using a tooth-colored material that simply and efficiently adjusts the size, shape, or color of your tooth or teeth.

Other Cosmetic and Restorative Services 

Both cosmetic and restorative, tooth replacements and improvements such as dental crowns, and permanent dental implants for single or multiple teeth will also help you feel more confident, and create better dental health overall. 

Are You Ready to Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry?

If you’re ready to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and how it can help you achieve greater confidence and make a more attractive smile, reach out to us today! We’re ready to help!